110 Unique Business ideas:
Business ideas No.4
4. From Lawn Mowing to Landscaping
What does it take to make money mowing lawns? Just a little
bit of sweat, a little sacrifice, and lots of dedication. At least this is what
John Discovered mowing lawns while in the sixth grade in Washington D.C. While
John’s friends were involved in sports or other activities, John was teaching
himself the art of landscaping. By the time he entered high school, he had
learned how to care for every type of outdoor plant in the Washington D.C.
Once equipped with the necessary know how, John would rise
early each morning and attend to the needs of his customers sometimes returning
after classes to finish the job. John showed his dedication on one occasion
when his family traveled to their vacation home in Maine. John stayed to take
care of his customers lawns.
Today, at 19, John is president of Northwest Lawn Service.
He has 120 regular customers and contracts work ranging from simple lawn mowing
service to complete law care costing $400 a month with five full-time employees
and four summer part-timers, his gross sales have exceeded $125,000
Within 10 years, he plans to be operating the major
horticultural center in the city. For John it was simply a matter of discipline
to get where he is at today. Some kids mow lawns and some kids, like John,
specialize in lawn care. It pays, as John has shown, to become knowledgeable in
your field. People Learn to trust you and it increases the amount and types of
jobs you can handle.
Type: Service
Marketing approach: Direct Sales
Unique Appeal: Low cost, dependable
Skills: None
Financial Overview:
Initial Investment: Minimal
Potential Income: $125,000
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